Power Of Chanting Mantras

         Benefits of Chanting Mantras

 What is Mantra? Protection for the Mind? Essence of Dharma?


 “The meaning of mantra is “guarding the mind.” Guarding it 

from what? From clinging, or attachment, and the view of this

life. “It means guarding the mind from attachment, the view of this life, and the three lower realms. It means guarding the mind from the whole suffering realm of samsara, which means all six realms, and from seeking and being bound to the blissful state of peace for self. 

It guards the mind, or in other words, it guards oneself.  It means the same thing. It is related to guarding the mind but it means guarding you from all these problems and from binding yourself to the blissful state of peace. It also guards your mind from the impression of the subtle dualistic view.”

 Mantra is also an essence practice. When you chant Om at the beginning of most mantras, this is paying homage to, taking refuge in, and invoking the Enlightened Body, Speech, and Mind of the Buddha in whatever form you visualize as your Yidam or meditational deity.


 How do Mantras Work?

  So a mantra is not something that you utter. It is something that you strive to become because unless you become the key, existence will not open up for you. Becoming the mantra means you are becoming the key. Only if you are the key can you open the lock. Otherwise someone else has to open it for you and you have to listen to him.

Mantras could be an extremely good preparatory step. Just one mantra can do such tremendous things to people. They can be an effective force in creating something but only if they come from that kind of a source where there is a complete understanding of all that is sound. When we say “all that is sound,” we are talking about the creation itself. If a mantra comes from that kind of source, with that level of understanding and when the transmission is pure, then mantras can be an effective force.

Types of mantras?

There are several sorts of mantras. Each mantra awakens a certain type of energy in a separate place of the body. Without that crucial awareness, simply repeating the sound causes dullness in the mind. Repetition of a sound always dulls the mind. However, when done correctly, with a clear grasp of what it is, a mantra may be a very effective tool. As a science, it is a very powerful dimension, but if it is imparted without the appropriate foundation and without generating the necessary settings, it may cause a lot of harm because it is a subjective science. We know of persons who have caused harm to themselves by improperly uttering something as simple as

ॐ भूर्भुव॒ स्सुवः॑
तत्स॑ वि॒तुर्वरे᳚ण्यं॒
भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि
धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया᳚त् ॥

oṃ bhur bhuvaḥ suvaḥ
tat savitur vareṇyaṃ
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo naḥ pracodaya
– Rigveda

Literal translations of the words are below:

 Om - The sacred syllable, pranava;

 Bhur - Bhuloka (physical plane)

 Bhuvah - Antariksha (space)

 Suvah - Svarga (Heaven)

 Tat - Paramatma (Supreme Soul)

 Savitur - Ishvara (Surya) (Sun god)

 Varenyam - Fit to be worshipped

 Bhargo - Remover of sins and ignorance

 Devasya - Glory (Jnana Svarupa i.e.    feminine/female)

 Dhimahi - We meditate

 Dhiyo - Buddhi (Intellect)

 Yo - Which

 Nah - Our

 Prachodayat: Enlighten/inspire 


Mantra and Sanskrit – What’s the Relationship?

 Mantras originate from Sanskrit, but different languages can distort them unless proper training is provided. This is due to the extensive nature of training, which can be time-consuming and requires patience and dedication. Consequently, different languages can distort mantras, highlighting the need for individualized training.

When Sanskrit is taught , it has to be learnt by rote . The sound is important , not the meaning . 

                               Benefits of Chanting Mantras

 Music and mantra are both effective tools for generating certain sweetness. Sounds of Isha's CD, Vairagya, features five mantras: Nirvana Shatakam, Guru Paduka Stotram, Brahmananda Swarupa, Aum Namah Shivaya, and Shambho. Listen to the CD repeatedly, listening to each mantra for ten minutes, and find the one that resonates with you. Keep listening and keep it going throughout the day to create a specific ambience for your system. Mantra is not consciousness, but sound sets the right atmosphere within your physiological, psychological, and atmospheric framework.


 Dharma  Teachings  As Mantras 

This concept is grounded in the Buddha Dharma, which holds that enlightened body , or Buddhas, have achieved a profound understanding of reality and communicate this wisdom through mantras (Harvey, 2013).
 The vibration produced by reciting a mantra can profoundly affect the practitioner’s state of mind, promoting focus and calm.

 From a scientific perspective, mantra recitation and the associated sound vibration have been shown to change the waveforms emitted by the brain, leading to increased concentration and mental clarity (Lutz et al., 2004).  This physiological response can crucially support individuals in our fast-paced modern society, where distractions and stressors are abundant – a clear justification for mantra practice in these busy times .

As Buddhists, the goal is not just to mindlessly recite mantras, but to thoroughly understand the profound meaning and conduct intention setting with every recitation.It can be beneficial to receive transmission from the Sutra or lineage teachers who have been trained in the proper pronunciation and rhythmic recitation of the mantras in Sanskrit – the language in which they were originally composed. This is thought to maximize the power of the mantras .


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