Sikh Guru nanak dev

 His life is successful and blessed which brings glory to the name of the Lord and he has blessed the lives of many people in the world with his bright character and behavior and has given them salvation.

 उनका जीवन सफल एवं धन्य है जो प्रभु नाम सुमिरण करते हैं तथा
उन्होंने अपने उज्जवल चरित्र एवं ब्यवहार से संसार में अनेक
लोगों का जीवन धन्य करके उन्हें मुक्ति प्रदान की है।

 Guru Nanak was born on 15 April 1469 in Rāi Bhoi Kī Talvaṇḍī village, Punjab, Pakistan. He was a Bedi Khatri and was part of the Khatri Punjabi clan. Traditional biographies suggest he was born on the third day of the lunar fortnight in Baisakh month of Samvat 1526. However, Sikh records state that he died on the 10th day of the Asauj month of Samvat 1596, suggesting he was born in April.

 Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism, one of the youngest religions. Guru Nanak became the first Sikh Guru and his spiritual teachings laid the foundation on which Sikhism was formed. Considered a religious innovator, Guru Nanak travelled across South Asia and Middle East to spread his teachings. He advocated the existence of one God and taught his followers that every human being can reach out to God through meditation and other pious practices. Interestingly, Guru Nanak did not support monasticism and asked his followers to lead the life of honest householder. His teachings were immortalized in the form of 974 hymns, which came to be known as ‘Guru Granth Sahib,’ the holy text of Sikhism. With more than 20 million followers, Sikhism is one of the important religions in India.

Nanak, born into a middle-class Hindu family, was known for his intelligence and interest in divine subjects. He refused to wear a sacred thread for his 'upanayana' ritual, instead seeking a thread made of mercy, contentment, and truth. In 1475, Nanak's sister married Jai Ram and moved to Sultanpur. He worked under his brother-in-law's employer and meditated in a nearby river. One day, Nanak went deep into the forest and remained possessed for three days, stating that there was no Hindu and no Musalman, leading to the formation of a new religion.


Nanak thereafter became renowned as Guru Nanak (teacher), as he traveled far and wide to impart his teachings. He founded Sikhism, one of the world's youngest faiths, with his teachings. The religion emphasizes the value of living a spiritual life without embracing monasticism. It teaches its followers how to break free from basic human qualities like lust, wrath, greed, attachment, and conceit (called as the 'Five Thieves'). Sikhism is a monotheistic religion that believes God is shapeless, eternal, and invisible. It also covers the principles of worldly illusion (Maya), karma, and liberation. Meditation and the recitation of Gurbani, or Guru-composed hymns, are two important Sikhism activities. The faith also promotes justice and equality.


Guru Nanak taught that every human being is capable of attaining spiritual perfection which will ultimately lead them to God. He also said that rituals and priests are not required in order to have direct access to God. In his teachings, Guru Nanak emphasized that God has created many worlds and also created life. In order to feel the presence of God, Guru Nanak asked his followers to repeat the name of the God (Nam Japna). He also urged them to lead a spiritual life by serving others and by leading an honest life without indulging in exploitation or fraud.


Guru Nanak was committed to convey God's message. He was grieved by the situation of mankind, which was rapidly succumbing to Kaliyug's depravity. As a result, Guru Nanak resolved to travel across the subcontinent to teach the masses. It is said that he made five travels (udasis) in his lifetime. Before embarking on his first tour, Guru Nanak is thought to have visited his parents to explain the significance of his voyages. During his first voyage, Guru Nanak visited much of modern-day India and Pakistan. This expedition lasted seven years and is thought to have occurred between 1500 and 1507 AD. Guru Nanak visited the majority of what is now Sri Lanka during his second tour.

Guru Nanak's teachings during a time of religious conflicts led to the belief that there are no Hindus and no Muslims, promoting unity among Hindus and Muslims. He emphasized equality and condemned slavery and racial discrimination. Guru Nanak also influenced women's empowerment in India, urging respect and equal treatment. He restored faith in God and supported the lifestyle of average householders, teaching methods to attain salvation while leading a normal life. He served as a living example and nine other Gurus continued to spread his message.


Guru Nanak, a popular figure among Hindus and Muslims, was a revered figure with followers called the Sikhs. As he approached his final days, a debate arose over who should perform the last rites. Hindus and Sikhs wanted to cremate his remains, while Muslims followed their beliefs. Guru Nanak instructed them to place flowers next to his body, with Hindus and Sikhs placing them on the right side and Muslims on the left. The flowers remained fresh for a night, and Guru Nanak's mortal remains disappeared, leaving only fresh flowers.

हवा वह गुरू है जो आदमी के जीवन को चलायमान करता है।
पानी पिता और पृथ्वी माॅ सदृश्य है।
इन्हीं दोनों के मेल से सारे घास फूस पौधे पत्ते जन्म लेते हैं।
तब दिन और रात लोगों को खेल काम पुरूशार्थ कराने बाले सेवक और सेविकायें हैं।
 Air is the master that moves the life of man.
Water is the mother and the father of the earth.
All plants grow from the combination of these two.
Then there are servants and maidservants to make people perform sports activities day and night.



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