
Showing posts from February, 2024




  The name is a mix of chiram ('permanent') and jīvi ('living'). It is comparable to amaratva, which means true immortality. At the end of the previous Manvantara, a demon attempted to become immortal by swallowing the sacred pages of the Vedas, which had escaped Brahma's lips. The first avatar (Matsya) of Vishnu rescued the scripture. Vishnu incarnations (Narasimha and Ram) later fought and destroyed two asuras, Hiranyakasipu and Ravana, who attempted to become immortal by offering obeisance to Brahma and Shiva. In one interpretation, immortal can mean "to live eternally until the destruction of universes", i.e., all physical bodies, along with the Brahma himself, are promised to become immaterial at the end of time.                                          ATTRIBUTES The surviving Puranas, the Ramyana, and the Mahabharata describe seven long-lived Hindu deities. There are other shlokas that are not included in this one. Each represents a unique aspect o

Power Of Chanting Mantras

            Benefits of Chanting Mantras   What is Mantra? Protection for the Mind? Essence of Dharma?     “The meaning of mantra is “guarding the mind.” Guarding it  from what? From clinging, or attachment, and the view of this life. “It means guarding the mind from attachment, the view of this life, and the three lower realms. It means guarding the mind from the whole suffering realm of samsara, which means all six realms, and from seeking and being bound to the blissful state of peace for self.  It guards the mind, or in other words, it guards oneself.  It means the same thing. It is related to guarding the mind but it means guarding you from all these problems and from binding yourself to the blissful state of peace. It also guards your mind from the impression of the subtle dualistic view.”   Mantra is also an essence practice. When you chant Om at the beginning of most mantras, this is paying homage to, taking refuge in, and invoking the Enlightened Body, Speech, and Mind of th

Sikh Guru nanak dev

 His life is successful and blessed which brings glory to the name of the Lord and he has blessed the lives of many people in the world with his bright character and behavior and has given them salvation.  उनका जीवन सफल एवं धन्य है जो प्रभु नाम सुमिरण करते हैं तथा उन्होंने अपने उज्जवल चरित्र एवं ब्यवहार से संसार में अनेक लोगों का जीवन धन्य करके उन्हें मुक्ति प्रदान की है।   Guru Nanak was born on 15 April 1469 in Rāi Bhoi Kī Talvaṇḍī village, Punjab, Pakistan. He was a Bedi Khatri and was part of the Khatri Punjabi clan. Traditional biographies suggest he was born on the third day of the lunar fortnight in Baisakh month of Samvat 1526. However, Sikh records state that he died on the 10th day of the Asauj month of Samvat 1596, suggesting he was born in April.   Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism, one of the youngest religions. Guru Nanak became the first Sikh Guru and his spiritual teachings laid the foundation on which Sikhism was formed. Considered a religious innovator, Guru Nanak


  According to Monier-Williams, the word Bhishma  means "terrible", "horrible", "fearful", or "fierce". The word is also used to characterize Rudra, the furious god, and the Rakshasa. In the epic, Devavrata acquired this after making a severe or awful vow (Bhishma pratigya) and fulfilling it. Bhishma was given the name Devavrata  at birth, which means devoted to Gods.Bhishma, the only surviving son of Ganga, was given various epithets that signify "son of Ganga" - Gangaputra , Gang , Gangasuta , and Gangeya . Gangadatta  translates to "given by Ganga."   Bhishma, also known as Pitamaha, Gangaputra, and Devavrata, is a key figure in the Mahabharata epic. He was the supreme commander of the Kaurava armies during the Kurukshetra War and watched the entire conflict. Born as Devavrata, he gave up his birthright for his father's happiness and vowed to live a life of celibacy. Bhishma fought in the Kurukshetra War, but was paraly